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Canada Remembers Women On The Home Front

Women played vital roles in Canada's WWII effort

On the home front and in uniform

WEB Women have not only made great contributions in uniform they also played a vital role in our countrys war efforts. WEB Canada Remembers W OMEN on the HOME FRONT Rationing in Canada and Home Front War Posters Learning. WEB Canadian women made important contributions on the home front during the war years. WEB CANADA REMEMBERS PROGRAM Women not only contributed to the war effort on the home front..

During the Second World War, Canadian women played a vital role in the war effort, both on the home front and in uniform. In factories, shipyards, and munitions plants, women took on jobs traditionally held by men, freeing up men to serve in the armed forces.

On the home front, women also played a vital role in rationing food, clothing, and other resources. They also volunteered for numerous organizations, such as the Red Cross and the Women's Voluntary Services, which provided support to the troops and to civilians affected by the war.

In addition to their contributions on the home front, more than 50,000 Canadian women served in the armed forces during the war. They served in a variety of roles, including nurses, drivers, mechanics, and intelligence officers. Many women also served in combat roles, such as pilots and gunners.

The contributions of Canadian women to the war effort were essential to the Allied victory. Their hard work and dedication helped to ensure that Canada played a vital role in the war.


The women of Canada played a vital role in the Second World War, both on the home front and in uniform. Their contributions helped to ensure that Canada played a vital role in the war, and their legacy continues to inspire Canadians today.
